Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rain-hole in one

Oh boy we really got a good rain yesterday and today the first in about a month. Our grass had begun to die. The corn in the garden got stunted a little bit but for the most part the garden did pretty well. We got 2 small rains there that we did not get here at home.

Well I got my 3rd hole in one at Roebuck Golf course last week and the Birmingham news was supposed to have it in the paper last Thursday but didn't as they didn't the other 2 times that I got hole in one. Oh well not to worry I have been playing about 8 years so that's good enough for me.
We have been dog sitting for the past few days with 2 minature doxhounds and a hiens 57 pretty big dog name Bear. He is good and sweet and we built a 6 ft fence around the back yard just for him and he enjoys it very much but he loves to get out in the neighborhood and we have to watch him like a hawk when he is in the house because if he gets the chance he will bound out the door and be gone for a couple hours. You might not as well call him because he ignores you so we just leave both doors cracked just a little and when he gets give out he comes bounding in. We live in a leash law neighborhood. When he finally comes back he will lay aroung and sleep the rest of the day as if he had worked hard.

I was playing golf the other day and my driver was sounding funny so I checked it and it was cracked right above the sweet spot about 2 inches. I must be getting stronger in my old age. I had only had it a little over a year so I sent it back to Master Grip Golf where I bought it and they are putting a new head on it for free. I bought 3 new hybrid iron woods and tried them out yesterday and today a little bit at the driving range at Springville and love them they will replace my 3, 4, and 5 irons which I don't hit so good anyway.

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