Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Unleavened Bread Ministries - Poetry of Jerod Thomas

Unleavened Bread Ministries - Poetry of Jerod Thomas: "My Keeper, My Father
From the ends of the earth will I cry unto you, O Lord.
Hear my plea, incline your ear unto me and I will live.
For truly you are
my Keeper
my Father
My Help and my Very Great Reward
Love me, Lord, as a father loves his child
Teach me Thy ways in my youth
that I may learn not to forsake wisdom as an adult.
Deliver to me Thy truth in Thy word, that I may be established forever.
Deal with me kindly, as my life is but a vapor.
Pour your lovingkindness into me, as I am a jar of clay, cleansed and fit for the Master’s use"

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