Friday, April 30, 2010


Yesterday was a good day April 29 2010. I planted most of my garden. I set out 5 hot pepper plants, 5 bell pepper plants, 5 banana pepper plants, 20 tomato plants, 8 rows of corn, 6 rows of bush beans, 4 rows of okra. Alter that I was give out and came home and got invited for dinner at The Cracker Barrel which was very nice.
Then since our conputer had been down since Tuesday we had to get at&t on the line for about 1 and 1/2 hours and finally got back on line. It took me about an hour to read the good emails and delete the bad ones. By that time the news was on (all bad) then bed time because I had golf today and up at five 30 for that (shot 5 over par) or course took a mulligan on front 9 and a mulligan on the back nine.
When I got home from that my wife had great lunch almost ready but had to clean the back porch of much pollen and dog hairs and I don't know what else. So I'll stop now and go wash a car to pay for the great lunch. Harold

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